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Wednesday, December 15, 2021

A New Perspective on Life

Once, there was a blind girl who carried a deep hatred for herself because of her blindness. She held resentment towards everyone, except for her loving boyfriend, who stood by her side through it all.

She often expressed her desire to see the world, believing that if she could regain her sight, she would marry her boyfriend. Then, one fortunate day, someone generously donated a pair of eyes to her, and her world was transformed as she could finally see everything, including her boyfriend.

When her boyfriend asked if she would now marry him, she was taken aback by what she discovered—her beloved boyfriend was also blind. Overwhelmed by this realization, she refused his proposal. With tears in his eyes, her boyfriend walked away but left her a heartfelt letter that spoke volumes:

“Please take care of my eyes, my dear.”

This poignant incident reveals how our perception of others can change when our own circumstances change. Only a few people remember their past and acknowledge those who have stood by them in the most difficult times.

The story serves as a reminder that life is a precious gift. Before uttering unkind words, think of those who cannot speak. Before complaining about the taste of your food, consider those who have nothing to eat. Before criticizing your spouse, empathize with those longing for a companion. Before complaining about life's hardships, reflect on those who left this world prematurely.

Think of those who yearn for children when you find fault with your own. Instead of grumbling about a messy home, remember those who live on the streets. When you complain about a long commute, imagine those who traverse the same distance on foot. And when you feel weary and discontented with your job, think of the unemployed, the disabled, and those who long for the opportunities you possess.

Before pointing fingers or passing judgment on others, remember that each of us carries our own flaws and will ultimately answer to a higher power. In moments of despondency, put a smile on your face and be grateful for the gift of life and the opportunity to still be present in this world.

Life is indeed a precious gift. Live it to the fullest, embrace its joys, celebrate its moments, and strive to fulfill your purpose.

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