Once in a town, there resided a kind-hearted millionaire who had gained great wealth through his endeavors. Meanwhile, three beggars pondered over seeking help from him. The first man approached the millionaire and audaciously demanded, "O Lord! I am in need of five rupees. Please give them to me." Taken aback by the beggar's impudence, the millionaire responded sternly, "How dare you demand as though I owe you money! I cannot afford to give five rupees to a single beggar. Here, take these two rupees and leave." The beggar accepted the two rupees and departed.
Next, the second beggar approached the millionaire, expressing his plight, "Oh Lord! I have not had a proper meal for the past ten days. Please lend me a helping hand." Curious, the millionaire inquired, "How much do you require?" The beggar humbly replied, "Whatever you deem fit, Maharaj." Appreciating his humility, the millionaire handed him a ten rupee note, saying, "With this, you can enjoy good food for at least three days." Grateful, the beggar walked away with the ten rupee note.
The third beggar then arrived, praising the noble qualities of the millionaire, "Oh Lord, I have heard of your benevolence and have come to pay my respects. Individuals like you, with such charitable disposition, are truly the manifestations of God on earth." Welcoming the beggar, the millionaire invited him to sit down and offered him a sumptuous meal. Touched by this gesture, the beggar exclaimed, "Oh Lord, I only came to meet a noble soul like yourself. You have already blessed me with this abundant feast. What more could I possibly ask for? Your extraordinary kindness has left a profound impact on me. May God bless you!"
Deeply moved by the beggar's spirit of contentment and gratitude, the millionaire insisted that he stay with him. He built a comfortable house within his own compound for the beggar and ensured his well-being for the remainder of his life.
This tale reflects the nature of God, likened to the benevolent millionaire. Individuals from various walks of life approach God with distinct desires and prayers. The first category comprises greedy individuals, filled with vanity and arrogance, seeking worldly pleasures. Despite their flawed desires, God, appreciating their decision to approach Him, grants them some portion of their requested objects. However, these fleeting possessions, similar to the two rupees the first beggar received, quickly dissipate.
The second category consists of devotees who beseech God for respite from worldly sufferings. However, they exhibit a higher level of surrender by accepting the Divine Will. To these sincere devotees, God grants relief from their afflictions and bestows material wealth and abundance.
The third type of devotee approaches God without any specific desire, recognizing Him as the embodiment of Absolute Existence, Knowledge, and Bliss. They seek nothing but offer pure devotion, renunciation, and self-surrender. God, profoundly pleased by their genuine spirit, blesses them with His own sustenance. This ultimate devotion is bestowed upon them, allowing them to reside in the Lord's abode. From that point onwards, these devotees dwell in eternal bliss as liberated sages.
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