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Friday, May 19, 2023

Strangers' Haven: A Journey of Unforeseen Blessings

Once upon a time, in a land far away, I found myself in a completely unfamiliar country. With wide eyes and a heart full of curiosity, I stepped onto the bustling streets of this new land, ready to embark on an adventure like no other.


As I strolled through the city, taking in the sights and sounds, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of excitement and apprehension. Everything around me was so different, from the language spoken to the customs observed. The vibrant atmosphere engulfed me as I continued my walk, eager to explore the hidden gems this foreign land had to offer.

Lost in my thoughts, I meandered away from the city center and found myself in the countryside. The narrow roads led me to a breathtaking scene: a group of chained elephants, their majestic presence contrasting with the humble carts they pulled. The carts were laden with colorful bushes, creating a mesmerizing display.

As I stood there, marveling at the beauty before me, I caught sight of some native people standing nearby. Their eyes lit up as they noticed me, mistaking me for a wealthy traveler. Their voices filled with hope, they approached me, eager to secure employment. They saw in me an opportunity to improve their lives, a chance for a better future.

Politely declining their offers, I continued my journey, grateful for the encounter but unsure of what lay ahead. The roads led me to a bus stop, and with a weary sigh, I settled on a bench, longing for a moment of respite. As I sat there, lost in my own thoughts, a tea shop caught my attention.

The aroma of freshly brewed tea wafted through the air, inviting me in. I stepped inside, hoping to wash my hands and quench my thirst. To my surprise, I found familiar faces amidst the crowd. A group of people from my own village, who had migrated to this foreign land before me, sat in a corner, engaged in animated conversation.

Excited to see them, I rushed over and greeted them warmly. They smiled back, thrilled by the unexpected reunion. However, their smiles quickly faded as they explained their situation. They had entered into an agreement with their landlord, which restricted them from accommodating any more people without prior permission.

Disheartened but understanding, I bid them farewell and resumed my quest for a place to stay. Moments later, as I sat on the bus contemplating my next move, a woman with a child caught my attention. She smiled warmly, her eyes radiating kindness.

Taking a leap of faith, she approached me and, with broken English, asked me to accompany them to their destination. They were heading towards the next bus stop and invited me to stay with them. Overwhelmed with gratitude, I accepted their invitation, tears welling up in my eyes.

It was in that moment, surrounded by strangers who had become my saviors, that I felt a profound sense of belonging. The kindness and hospitality of these strangers, who had crossed my path in this foreign land, touched my heart. I silently thanked God for orchestrating this divine encounter, providing me with the support and comfort I so desperately needed.

As the bus moved forward, carrying us to our destination, I couldn't help but marvel at the unpredictable nature of life. In the midst of unfamiliarity and uncertainty, strangers had become my companions, transforming this foreign land into a place I could call home.

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