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Monday, May 22, 2023

A Farmer's Challenge: Old Cock vs. Young Cock - An Unexpected Twist

Once upon a time, a farmer tended to his twenty-five young hens and one aging cock. Recognizing the old cock's declining efficiency, the farmer made a decision to introduce a young replacement from the market.

The old cock, extending a welcoming gesture, said, "Join me, and together we shall work towards enhancing productivity."

Perplexed, the young cock replied, "What do you mean? You're old and should retire."

Undeterred, the old cock explained, "Young one, with twenty-five hens here, can't I assist you with some?"

Refusing to share, the young cock asserted, "No! Every single hen will belong to me."

In response, the old cock proposed a competition, declaring, "In that case, I challenge you. If I win, I shall have one hen, but if I lose, you can claim them all."

Curious, the young cock asked, "Okay, what kind of competition?"

The old cock suggested a 50-meter run, from their current position to a distant tree. Acknowledging his age, he requested a 10-meter head start.

The young cock agreed, and they set the following morning as the time for their contest. Confidently, the young cock allowed the old cock to take the lead, planning to overtake him swiftly.

As the old cock reached the 10-meter mark, the young cock sprinted after him, determined to catch up. Surprisingly, within seconds, the young cock closed the gap, inching closer to the old cock.

Suddenly, a loud bang shattered the air. Tragically, the young cock was shot dead by the farmer, who angrily exclaimed, "Damn it! This is the fifth GAY rooster I've mistakenly bought this week!"

In this unexpected turn of events, the tale of a rivalry between the old and young cock met an unfortunate end due to a comical misunderstanding. The farmer's frustration with acquiring roosters of the same gender led to an untimely demise, leaving behind a lesson of miscommunication and the need for clarity in all matters.

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