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Saturday, November 3, 2018

Don't Be Afraid to Fail Big, To Dream Big - Denzel Washington | Goalcast

Make A Difference speech - During commencement at Dillard University,
Denzel Washington delivers an inspiring speech about the necessity of
failing in order to grow and achieve greatness.

The Most Inspiring Speech: The Wisdom of a Third Grade Dropout Will Chan...

Make an Impact: Rick Rigsby delivers a powerful speech on how his
father's teachings have guided him through the most troubling times of
his life. Are you Inspired? Order Dr. Rick Rigsby's book,

Denzel Washington's Speech Will Leave You SPEECHLESS - One of the Most E...

The Ultimate Les Brown Motivational Compilation | Goalcast

How Bamboo Trees Will Bring Out Your Best Self | Les Brown | Goalcast

In an ancient far east nugget of wisdom, motivational genius and
raconteur Les Brown shares a parabole of change and self-improvement.

Why it Pays to Be Hungry | Les Brown | Goalcast

Les Brown is considered to be one of the greatest speakers the world has
ever seen. But growing up labelled 'educable mentally retarded' made it
virtually impossible for him to get there. Young, ready and hungry, Les
Brown reveals how he scored his dream job in the most impossible way.

What an inspiring message !! #Ritikasingh